Excellence Académie

5 Min

Quelques QCM en Anglais (1) Complétez les phrases avec la forme correcte parmi les quatre propositions


Les questions 1-20 évaluent vos connaissances en grammaire. Complétez les phrases avec la forme correcte parmi les quatre propositions.


1) _______ you like to join us ? We‘re going to a concert tonight.

a)     Will

b)       Can

c)        Could

d)       Would


2) I‘m afraid I _______ come to the party this weekend. I‘ll need to cram for an exam.

a)     wouldn‘t

b)       will

c)        won‘t able to

d)       can‘t


3) It takes much _______ by public transport than I thought.

a)     too long

b)       the longest

c)        longest

d)       longer


4) I‘m flying to Sydney on Sunday and I‘m very _______ about it.

a)     excite

b)       excitement

c)        exciting

d)       excited


5) You‘d better ask somebody else to do the translation. I would certainly do a _______ job.

a)      bad 

b)        badly

c)         worst

d)        worsen


6) The boom of Italy‘s fashion industry _______ in the 1950s.

a)     has begun

b)       began

c)        had beginning

d)       was begun


7) Since the crisis, _______ graduates have applied for jobs in the financial field.

a)     none

b)       fewer

c)        less

d)       much


8) I‘ve made a decision. I‘m going to _______. Otherwise I‘d ruin my health.

a)     stop to smoke

b)       give up smoking

c)        quit the smoking

d)       drop to smoke


9) Congratulations _______ a city break holiday to Lisbon.

a)     you have winned

b)       on winning

c)        to win

d)       for to win26


10) She _______ a lot when she was at school. But now she doesn‘t find the time.

a)     used to swimming

b)        was used to swim

c)         used to swim

d)        was used swimming


11) All assignments will have to be _______ the end of the month.

a)      handed in by

b)        finish before

c)         due until

d)        given in


12) The summer break will _______ take up a job and make a bit of money before the new semester starts.

a)      allow me to 

b)        permit I

c)         need me

d)        have to


13) _______ before Christmas last year. I really like the Christmas markets there.

a)      I went to Germany

b)        I‘ve been to Germany

c)         I would like I spent time in Germany

d)        I could only go in Germany


14) I‘m _______, but I‘ll feel better after a good night‘s sleep.

a)     a jet lag

b)       having some jetlagged

c)        suffering a jet lag

d)       a bit jet-lagged


15) _______ in charge of safety on this boat?

a)     Who

b)       Whom

c)        Whose

d)       Who‘s


16) Not only _______ late at the airport; he also went to the wrong counter to check in.

a)     showed he up

b)       did he show up

c)        he showed up

d)       shown up27


17) No wonder he can afford a car like this. They pay him _______ .

a)     a salary attractive enough

b)       an attractive salary enough

c)        an attractive enough salary

d)       enough attractive salary


18) You _______ me so much about the film. Now I don‘t want to go and see it anymore.

a)     ought to not told

b)       shouldn‘t have told

c)        must not having told

d)       couldn‘t be telling


19) This club is _______ places in the whole town. You must go there one night.

a)     one of lively

b)       one of the liveliest

c)        one of the most lively

d)       one of most lively


20) The trade fair is _______ in the city centre this year. The new exhibition centre in the suburbs will not be ready until next year.

a)        holding

b)       being held

c)        held back

d)       been holding


Les questions 21-40 évaluent votre maîtrise du vocabulaire. Complétez les phrases et choisissez la bonne réponse parmi les quatre propositions.

21) New York is full of great places to visit. The _______ from the top of the Empire State Building is one of the best in New York.

a)        see

b)       view

c)        site

d)       vision


22) Hundreds of years ago, people used to _______ high heels and platform shoes, because the streets were full of rubbish.

a)     porter

b)        carry

c)         wear

d)        walk


23) A number of _______ in the automotive industry today are done by robots.

a)     machines

b)       places

c)        trends

d)       jobs


24) When the sun beats down it can get extremely _______ here in the greenhouse.

a)      hot

b)        cold

c)         dark

d)        loud


25) Mobile phones can do so much more than make and receive _______.

a)     phones

b)       smart

c)        numbers

d)       calls


26) In some countries it is considered _______ to eat when you are walking down a street.

a)      rude

b)        rule

c)         ruse

d)        root


27) _______ for a job requires good preparation.

a)     Acclaiming

b)       Affecting

c)        Assuring

d)       Applying


28) The brain and the other organs need a continuous _______ of blood.

a)      supply

b)        offer

c)         furniture

d)        tap


29) They only served _______ drinks at the party, so nobody could get drunk.

a)     short

b)        long

c)         soft

d)        hard29


30) The _______ in this room is so spacious that I can keep all my clothes in there.

a)     clothes hanger

b)        clothes horse

c)         closet

d)        close-down


31) People in a number of Asian cultures _______ when they say hello.

a)     boo

b)       bow

c)        bond

d)       boost


32) It is very _______ that some of the extreme weather conditions in this area are due to climate change.

a)        alike

b)       likely

c)        likewise

d)       likeable


33) The scientists involved in the project have made a major _______ in the treatment of AIDS.

a)        breakdown

b)       breakthrough

c)        breakup

d)       breakaway


34) _______-produced furniture is much cheaper, but it doesn‘t have the same quality.

a)     Mate

b)       Mass

c)        Mess

d)       Miss


35) ―Slow travel‖ is a good way to discover areas off the _______ tracks.

a)     spelled

b)        paid

c)         beaten

d)        hidden


36) I heard that she‘s seriously ill. I just hope she will _______ through.

a)     stay

b)        stand

c)         pull

d)        put30


37) This ticket _______ you to a free seat at any of the shows this week.

a)     envisages

b)        entangles

c)         entitles

d)        entails


38) He finally realised that he had _______ the joke too far.

a)      carried 

b)        deferred

c)         elicited

d)        frowned


39) A company‘s success is _______ by its people.

a)     cycled

b)       driven

c)        run

d)       walked


40) She looked a bit _______ when she heard the news.

a)     checkered

b)        jigsawn

c)         puzzled

d)        pokered